Celebrate Your Day - IN THREE WORDS

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Three Words, just three words!

I challenge you!

The year I was turning 50 I decided I wanted to do something to commemorate the year.  So on January 1st of that year I started tracking every day by describing it in only three words.  I love that segment on Good Morning America.  That in itself wasn't that hard, but to come up with something that I could read later and it would trigger that day again for me was where I got creative.

From time to time I would have a three word day that was just to good not to share.  For example:  MY BOOBS TWEET was a good one.  I was standing in the hall at work filling my water bottle at the drinking fountain and to no risk my phone getting wet or being dropped I dropped it down in my bra.  I turned to head back to my desk and two guys I knew came up to me to chat and a couple of minutes into the conversation my niece was texting me.  My text messages came in as a bird tweet.  Trying to ignore that my boobs have just tweeted seemed to be ignored by all, whew!  Until the reminder tweet happened and by then it was just one person standing with me.  He quietly responded to the sound by saying, "gosh I wish I had body parts that talented" and he walked off laughing like crazy, as did I.  On my home that night I came up with my three words for the day. 

One of my other favorites was BUTT SOAP BUBBLE, but I'm not going to explain that one, you can use your imagination there!

My challenge to you!

For one week, at the end of each day, sum up your day in three words.  Come here and share it or keep it private, just do it!  I'll be adding a Page (Click Here) to this blog to track mine.  


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