Celebrate Your Day - IN THREE WORDS

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Guess I have to begin somewhere!

When I made the comment I was thinking of starting a blog I got a lot of encouragement, but no one encouraged me more than my niece Bug.  She thought it was a great idea of me to write out my thoughts, ideas, fears, hopes and dreams.  So it's with her particular encouragement that I'm sitting here now.  

I have to say the year 2013 was not one of my most favorite I've ever lived through, for many reasons I'm not going to get into at this time, but I will at some point.  I've tried to find my humor and my lessons in what's been going on.  Some days are better than others, I just have to remember a few things:

  • I'm not alone
  • Why me?  Why not me?
  • I have an amazing family
  • My humor will get me through anything
  • This too shall pass
  • When life hands you lemons...well you know
All of those are easy to remember in the light of day.  It's the 2:00AM terrors when my negative mind takes over, fear creeps and every insecurity takes over.  For that time I'm paralyzed in fear and can't see out past the fear, can sleep, can't think, can't even breathe. Then morning comes, the house comes alive with family getting ready for their day, animals being fed and the world making ready for the day.  Having survived another night of terror, I begin again.  

My niece, Bug as you will learn is a very wise young person.  Way more wise than I was at 14 and I'm thankful for her every day.  Not to long ago I texted her someone I thought was profound about not giving up and she responded with this and it knocked my socks off.  Something she saw on Pinterest that stuck with her was "Fall down 15 times, get up 16".  That has become my mantra of late.  I may not do everything right, but the fact that I try means I'm successful.

The bottom line in my life right now is keep trying, never give up, love my family and be thankful for everyday that my feet hit the floor I have a chance to making my day better than yesterday.


Mindy said...

Sheila, though we have not met in real life, I know you are strength personified. I hope your optimism and lovely spirit will affect everyone that takes the time to read your blog. You have already helped me so many times with just your kind words. Good luck with your blogging and keep enjoying your lemonade! :)

Shiela said...

Mindy, You are such a doll! I hope the stuff I share will help anyone. I know it's already helping me! Thanks for joining me on my lemonade journey! *HUGS*

glenbren said...

Good luck Shiela!


Unknown said...

Hey, I'd gladly share a glass of lemonade with you. The journey has been interesting, and I'm sure you'll find a way to make every step a positive one. The is a bright day out there with your name on it, when I see it I'll be sure to let you know.
Hugs, Brother.

Shannon Q. said...

Looking forward to more posts, Shiela! Good luck!

Shiela said...

Thank you Ev!

Shiela said...

Thank you Brother!! I'm trying, I promise!!! Love you! HUGS

Shiela said...

Thank you Shannon!! HUGS